
Start creating your page for free, or add one of the plans below to unlock additional features and get started.
The basics, free forever!
Up to 10 custom links
Add 10 links (or sections) to your page including your social media, website, and more
Basic analytics
See your daily page views for the past week (7 days)
Unique URL
Choose your own custom link to share everywhere
Free themes
Adjust your page from light to dark to void based on your preference
Custom profile picture
Upload your best photo to represent your linkhub
Customize background color
Match your style with a customizable background color
Responsive page design
Create a stunning page that looks great across any device
$1 Plan
Everything in Free plan +
Up to 50 custom links
Add 50 links (or sections) to your page including your social media, website, and more
Basic analytics
See your daily page views for the past 4 weeks (28 days)
Customize link subtitles
Display subtitles on links as the URL or choose something completely custom (e.g. @username)
Customize link icon
Display icons on links
Social buttons
Add a social button bar to your page for the most popular platforms separate from your links
Customizable background image
Change your page's background image to match your personal taste
Highlighted links
Make your most important links stand out
Extended themes
Adjust your page from light to dark to void based on your preference
Section dividers
Organize your page by adding dividers or headers between your links
Embeds (videos, music, etc.)
Enhance your page by embedding rich media from other platforms (see the full supported list on the Extensions page)
paid annually
Everything in $1 plan +
Unlimited links
Feel free to add as many links as you want to your page including your social media, website, and more
Custom domain
Connect a custom domain name to your account to load all of your pages on your own URL
Advanced analytics
See your daily page views, top locations, top referers, devices and more for the past 6 months
Advanced customization
Customize every aspect of your page: font style, font size, colors, shadows, borders and more
External analytics
Add your Meta Pixel or Google Analytics to see analytics and retarget visitors based on page views and link clicks
Contact form
Users will able to send feedback to your email via form on your linkinbio page
Cookie consent
The Cookie Consent feature displays a customizable banner, informing visitors about cookie usage and allowing consent management. It ensures compliance with privacy regulations and enhances user trust and transparency.
paid annually
Everything in Pro plan +
White label
Hide LinkHub logo at the bottom of your page
Priority support
Receive the fastest response times with in-depth and personalized assistance for any questions that may arise